ICDC Office


What is the National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (NPDES)?

As authorized by the Clean Water Act, the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit program controls water pollution by regulating point sources that discharge pollutants into waters of the United States. Point sources are discrete conveyances such as pipes or man-made ditches. Individual homes that are connected to a municipal system, use a septic system, or do not have a surface discharge do not need an NPDES permit; however, industrial, municipal and other facilities must obtain permits if their discharges go directly to surface waters.

In most cases, the NPDES permit program is administered by authorized states. Since its introduction in 1972, the NPDES permit program is responsible for significant improvements to our nation's water quality.

Some more helpful links to other sites are listed below.

Stormwater Permit Requirements

  1. Public Education Plan

  2. Public Participation Plan

  3. Illcit Discharge Elimination Program (IDEP)

  4. Contruction Runoff/Stormwater Management

  5. Post-Contruction Runoff/Stormwater Management

  6. Housekeeping Tips for Pollution Prevention

Educate Yourself

  1. Project Wet (for teachers)

  2. Water-on-the-Web

  3. The BIG Lesson Program

  4. My Watersheds Site

  5. Project F.I.S.H.

  6. Mid-MEAC

  7. Art in the Wild

Make a Difference

  1. Do YOU know your Watershed?

  2. Environmentally Responsible Car Washing

  3. Proper Management of Pesticides and Fertilizers

  4. Yard Waste Disposal

  5. Automotive and Hazardous Waste Disposal

  6. Implement 'Green' Infrastructure

  7. Protecting the Water's Edge

  8. Riparian Zone Management and Trout Streams

  9. Riparian Management Zones

  10. EPA on Septic Systems

Additional IDEP Information

  1. What is IDEP?

  2. To Report Illicit Dumping into the Surface Water of Ingham County Call: (517)676-8395

  3. To Report a Solid Waste Complaint, Contact Ingham County Environmental Health: (517)887-4312

  4. To Report Other Forms of Illicit Dumping, Call DEQ's Pollution Emergency Alerting System (PEAS) Hotline: (800)292-4706

Publications from ICDC

  1. Ingham County Drain Rules (2005 - Supplemented 2015)

  2. IDEP Water Quality Analysis Manual

Hazardous Waste Disposal Locations and Events

  1. Ingham County Health Department Waste Management

  2. Household Hazardous Waste Drop Off
     Every Tuesday & Thursday from 2pm until 6pm
      Ingham County Health Department
      5303 S. Cedar Street
      Lansing, MI
    Any questions, call (517)887-4312

  3. HHW Website